Why You Need to Keep a Routine During the Stay at Home Order

At this point, most of the country is under some sort of stay at home order. When the order was first put out, I think a lot of us didn’t mind the idea staying at home for two weeks. It was like a little vacation from real life. But when the orders were extended once, and then extended again, it became a little daunting. 

By now, most of us have been under a stay at home order for a month or more and it’s hard on us. You’ve probably heard of people talking about the impact this has on mental health or maybe you’ve even experienced it yourself. Waking up and doing the same thing over and over again without being able to ever leave your house or socialize with anyone but the people you live with (if you’re lucky enough to live with others) can be extremely hard on our psyche. 

This is why it’s so important to keep a routine. The first week of this order I remember thinking, “I’m going to just be lazy, stay in pajamas, hangout.” But as days turned into weeks and weeks are turning in months, I think we’re all realizing we cannot sustain that way if we want to keep our mental health in tact. Feeling out of control is a dangerous road to go down, so it’s important to control the things that we can. What we do with our day is something that we can control right now. I encourage you to create a routine that’s as close to “normal” for you as possible.

I know not all of you have kids (which is a huge part of my day). But it’s still possible to follow somewhat of the same routine each day. Or at the very least you can still plan a list of things you’re going to get done. 

If I didn’t have Dominic, my schedule would look very similar but instead of play time with him it would be me doing things for myself that I didn’t have time for before. It would be DIY projects, learning more about my Cricut and doing fun projects with that, reading more, spending more time on my blog, ect. 

This is the time to establish a killer routine that you can continue on once this order lifts! Get that workout in, read that book, write in that journal you’ve been meaning to start, take the extra time on your skin care routine, whatever it is. 

Life is about perspective, and while it can be hard on us to be “stuck at home”, I choose to look at it as a gift of time that we will probably never have again in this lifetime. 

Leave a comment and let me know what types of things you’re getting to do now that you have the time!

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